We made it to Strawberry Reservoir just as the sun was poking its head over the horizon. As my neighbor and I stepped out of the truck, we instantly got slapped in the face with -18 degree temperatures. Luckily for us, we were going to be fishing in an ice tent I received for Christmas. The tent plus a heater made for a comfortable outing.
The fishing was really slow. The few fish that were caught were on pink jigs tipped with a wax worm. The fish finder was acting goofy so we had to guess on the depth the fish were holding which made it tough. After several hours and only three fish to show for it, we decided to pack up and hit a spot on the way home that I knew had fast fishing.
Yesterday I fished a community pond and couldn't keep the trout off my line long enough to get my second line in the water. I really wanted to get my neighbor into some fish, so I took him there. The average trout you catch here is around 8-12 inches, but there are trout in the 20 inch range that we've caught here in years past.
Once we arrived at our new spot, we were on the fish as soon as our lines hit the water. Fishing would come in bursts. It would be really fast and then nothing for a few minutes and then it kicked back up. That was the pattern the whole time we were there. Except for a lone Brown, all of the trout were Rainbows. It didn't seem to matter much what we used, the fish were not picky.
Once we had our fill of catching, we called it a day. We didn't keep count on the fish caught, but it was a lot! We plan to hit a new spot tomorrow. Hopefully it will be another productive outing.
We were not alone out on the ice today. |
Maiden voyage using with my new tent. Christmas pretty much rocks! |
20 inch Cutthroat. All three fish were this size from Strawberry Reservoir. |
We hit a community pond for some fast fishing action! |